Source code for vsc.model.coverpoint_bin_array_model

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# Created on Aug 3, 2019
# @author: ballance

from vsc.model.coverpoint_model import CoverpointModel
from vsc.model.expr_bin_model import ExprBinModel
from vsc.model.bin_expr_type import BinExprType
from vsc.model.expr_literal_model import ExprLiteralModel

from vsc.model.coverpoint_bin_model_base import CoverpointBinModelBase

[docs] class CoverpointBinArrayModel(CoverpointBinModelBase): def __init__(self, name, low, high): super().__init__(name) self.low = low self.high = high self.hit_bin_idx = -1
[docs] def finalize(self, bin_idx_base:int)->int: super().finalize(bin_idx_base) return (self.high-self.low+1)
[docs] def get_bin_expr(self, idx): """Builds expressions to represent a single bin""" return ExprBinModel(, BinExprType.Eq, ExprLiteralModel(self.low+idx, False, 32) )
[docs] def get_bin_name(self, bin_idx): return + "[" + str(self.bin_idx_base+bin_idx) + "]"
[docs] def sample(self): # Query value from the actual coverpoint or expression val = int(self.cp.get_val()) if val >= self.low and val <= self.high: # Notify that coverage has changed self.cp.coverage_ev( self.bin_idx_base+(val-self.low), self.bin_type) self.hit_bin_idx = val-self.low else: self.hit_bin_idx = -1 return self.hit_bin_idx
[docs] def dump(self, ind=""): # for i in range(self.high-self.low+1): # print(ind + + "[" + str(self.low+i) + "]=" + str(self.hit_list[i])) pass
[docs] def get_bin_range(self, bin_idx): print("get_bin_range: " + str(bin_idx))
[docs] def get_n_bins(self): return (self.high-self.low+1)
[docs] def hit_idx(self): return self.hit_bin_idx
[docs] def accept(self, v): v.visit_coverpoint_bin_array(self)
[docs] def equals(self, oth): eq = isinstance(oth, CoverpointBinArrayModel) if eq: eq &= super().equals(oth) eq &= self.low == oth.low eq &= self.high == oth.high return eq
[docs] def clone(self)->'CoverpointBinArrayModel': ret = CoverpointBinArrayModel(, self.low, self.high) ret.srcinfo_decl = None if self.srcinfo_decl is None else self.srcinfo_decl.clone() return ret