Source code for vsc

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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from _io import StringIO
from ctypes import cdll, c_void_p, CFUNCTYPE
from datetime import datetime
import sys
from typing import List

from ucis import UCIS_TESTSTATUS_OK, db
import ucis
from ucis.lib.LibFactory import LibFactory
from ucis.lib.lib_ucis import LibUCIS
from ucis.mem.mem_factory import MemFactory
from import CoverageReport
from import CoverageReportBuilder
from import TextCoverageReportFormatter
from ucis.test_data import TestData
from ucis.ucis import UCIS
from ucis.xml.xml_factory import XmlFactory
from vsc.attrs import *
from vsc.constraints import *
from vsc.coverage import *
from vsc.methods import *
from vsc.rand_obj import *
from vsc.types import *
from vsc.visitors.coverage_save_visitor import CoverageSaveVisitor
from vsc import profile
from vsc.impl.ctor import glbl_debug, glbl_solvefail_debug

from vsc import util

[docs] def get_coverage_report(details=False)->str: """ Returns a textual coverage report of all covergroups :param bool details: Write details, such as the hits in each bin (False) :return: String containin coverage report text """ model = get_coverage_report_model() out = StringIO() formatter = TextCoverageReportFormatter(model, out) formatter.details = details return out.getvalue()
[docs] def get_coverage_report_model()->CoverageReport: """ Returns a coverage report model of all covergroups :return: Object describing collected coverage """ covergroups = CoverageRegistry.inst().covergroup_types() db = MemFactory.create() save_visitor = CoverageSaveVisitor(db) now = UCIS_TESTSTATUS_OK, "UCIS:simulator", ucis.ucis_Time()), covergroups) return
[docs] def report_coverage(fp=None, details=False): """ Writes a coverage report to a stream (stdout by default) :param fp: Stream to which to write the report :param bool details: Write details, such as the hits in each bin (False) """ if fp is None: fp = sys.stdout fp.write(get_coverage_report(details))
[docs] def write_coverage_db( filename, fmt="xml", libucis=None): """ Writes coverage data to persistent storage using the PyUCIS library. :param str filename: Destination for coverage data :param str fmt: Format of the coverage data. 'xml' and 'libucis' supported :param str libucis: Path to a library implementing the UCIS C API (default=None) """ formats = ["xml", "libucis"] covergroups = CoverageRegistry.inst().covergroup_types() db : UCIS if fmt == "xml" or fmt == "mem": db = MemFactory.create() elif fmt == "libucis": if libucis is not None: LibFactory.load_ucis_library(libucis) db = LibFactory.create(None) else: raise Exception("Unsupported coverage-report format " + format + ". Supported formats: " + str(formats)) save_visitor = CoverageSaveVisitor(db) now = UCIS_TESTSTATUS_OK, "UCIS:simulator", ucis.ucis_Time()), covergroups) if fmt == "xml": XmlFactory.write(db, filename) elif fmt != "mem": db.write(filename) return db
def vsc_debug(val): global glbl_debug glbl_debug = val def vsc_solvefail_debug(val): global glbl_solvefail_debug glbl_solvefail_debug = val