
What is PyVSC?

PyVSC is a Python library that implements random verification-stimulus generation and coverage collection. PyVSC provides this capability in two forms: an object-oriented Model API, and a Python-embedded domain-specific language built on top of the Model API. This allows coverage and randomization features to be programmatically built, defined with user-friendly constructs, or defined using a mix of the two.

Blog Posts

One great way to get an overview of PyVSC is to read a series of blog posts about PyVSC. Links are below:


Currently, the Python-embedded domain-specific language supports similar features to those supported by SystemVerilog. Not all SystemVerilog features are supported, but in some cases features not supported by SystemVerilog are also supported. Please see the following section PyVSC Features for a comparison of the user-level coverage and randomization features supported by PyVSC compared to SystemVerilog.

Here is a quick example showing capturing random data fields, constraints, coverage, and inline randomization.

import vsc

class my_item_c(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)
        self.b = vsc.rand_bit_t(8)

    def ab_c(self):
        self.a != 0
        self.a <= self.b
        self.b in vsc.rangelist(1,2,4,8)

class my_cg(object):

    def __init__(self):
        # Define the parameters accepted by the sample function
            it = my_item_c()

        self.a_cp = vsc.coverpoint(, bins=dict(
            # Create 4 bins across the space 0..255
            a_bins = vsc.bin_array([4], [0,255])
        self.b_cp = vsc.coverpoint(, bins=dict(
            # Create one bin for each value (1,2,4,8)
            b_bins = vsc.bin_array([], 1, 2, 4, 8)
        self.ab_cross = vsc.cross([self.a_cp, self.b_cp])

# Create an instance of the covergroup
my_cg_i = my_cg()

# Create an instance of the item class
my_item_i = my_item_c()

# Randomize and sample coverage
for i in range(16):

# Now, randomize keeping b in the range [1,2]
for i in range(16):
    with my_item_i.randomize_with() as it:
        it.b in vsc.rangelist(1,2)

# Print report of type and instance coverage
