Source code for vsc.model.constraint_unique_model

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# Created on Jul 28, 2019
# @author: ballance

from vsc.model.constraint_model import ConstraintModel
from vsc.model.expr_bin_model import ExprBinModel
from vsc.model.bin_expr_type import BinExprType
from vsc.model.expr_fieldref_model import ExprFieldRefModel
from vsc.model.field_array_model import FieldArrayModel

[docs] class ConstraintUniqueModel(ConstraintModel): def __init__(self, unique_l): super().__init__() self.unique_l = unique_l self.expr = None
[docs] def build(self, btor, soft=False): ret = None # Elements in the unique list might be arrays unique_l = [] for i in self.unique_l: if isinstance(i, ExprFieldRefModel) and isinstance(, FieldArrayModel): # Collect up the array elements self._add_list_elems(unique_l, else: unique_l.append(i) if len(unique_l) > 1: for i in range(len(unique_l)): for j in range(i+1, len(unique_l)): t = ExprBinModel(unique_l[i], BinExprType.Ne, unique_l[j]) from vsc.visitors import ModelPrettyPrinter if ret is None: ret = else: ret = btor.And(, ret) else: # Size 0,1: Always true ret = btor.Const(1, 1) return ret
def _add_list_elems(self, unique_l, l : FieldArrayModel): for f in l.field_l: unique_l.append(ExprFieldRefModel(f))
[docs] def get_nodes(self, node_l): node_l.append(self.expr.get_node())
[docs] def accept(self, visitor): visitor.visit_constraint_unique(self)
[docs] def clone(self, deep=False)->'ConstraintModel': ret = ConstraintUniqueModel(self.unique_l) return ret