Welcome to PyUVM Dataclasses’s documentation!¶
PyUVM Dataclasses is a Python package that allows you to capture UVM testbench structures with the same efficiency that Python’s dataclasses package brings to regular data clases.
class transaction(uvm_transaction):
a : vsc.rand_int32_t = 0
b : vsc.rand_int32_t = 0
def ab_c(self):
self.b > 0
self.b <= 16
class producer_c(uvm_component):
ap : udc.analysis_port[transaction]
async def run_phase(self):
t = transaction()
for i in range(10):
t.a = i
await cocotb.triggers.Timer(1, 'ns')
count = 0
class consumer_c(uvm_component):
impl : udc.analysis_imp[transaction]
def write_impl(self, t):
nonlocal count
print("Transaction: %d (%d)" % (t.a, t.b))
count += 1
class test_c(uvm_test):
producer : producer_c
consumer : consumer_c
def connect_phase(self):
In the example above, note the following:
PyUVM components and objects are marked with decorators.
No build_phase methods are required in order to construct elements.
Declaring an analysis_imp automatically calls a local method named write_<imp>. If the user doesn’t declare this method, a placeholder is created instead
The PyUVM Dataclasses version of this simple producer/consumer example requires 22% less code than the full PyUVM version.