usage: ivpm [-h]
Positional Arguments
- command
Possible choices: activate, build, pkg-info, share, update, init, git-status, git-update, snapshot, sync, status
Starts a new shell that contains the activated python virtual environment
ivpm activate [-h] [-c C] [-p PROJECT_DIR] [args ...]
Positional Arguments
- args
Named Arguments
- -c
When specified, executes the specified string
- -p, --project-dir
Specifies the project directory to use (default: cwd)
Build all sub-projects with an IVPM-supported build infrastructure (Python)
ivpm build [-h] [-d DEP_SET] [-g]
Named Arguments
- -d, --dep-set
Uses dependencies from specified dep-set instead of ‘default-dev’
- -g, --debug
Enables debug for native extensions
Collect paths/files for a listed set of packages
ivpm pkg-info [-h] [-k KIND] {incdirs,paths,libdirs,libs} pkgs [pkgs ...]
Positional Arguments
- type
Possible choices: incdirs, paths, libdirs, libs
Specifies what info to query
- pkgs
Named Arguments
- -k, --kind
Specifies qualifiers on the type of info to query
Fetches packages specified in ivpm.yaml that have not already been loaded
ivpm update [-h] [-p PROJECT_DIR] [-d DEP_SET] [-a] [--skip-py-install]
[--force-py-install] [--py-prerls-packages]
Named Arguments
- -p, --project-dir
Specifies the project directory to use (default: cwd)
- -d, --dep-set
Uses dependencies from specified dep-set instead of ‘default-dev’
- -a, --anonymous-git
Clones git repositories in ‘anonymous’ mode
- --skip-py-install, --py-skip-install
Skip installation of Python packages
- --force-py-install, --py-force-install
Forces a re-install of Python packages
- --py-prerls-packages
Enable installation of pre-release packages
Creates an initial ivpm.yaml file
ivpm init [-h] [-v VERSION] [-f] name
Positional Arguments
- name
Named Arguments
- -v, --version
- -f, --force
Runs git status on any git packages (Note: deprecated. use ‘status’ instead)
ivpm git-status [-h] [-p PROJECT_DIR]
Named Arguments
- -p, -project-dir
Updates any git packages (Note: deprecated. use ‘sync’ instead)
ivpm git-update [-h] [-p PROJECT_DIR]
Named Arguments
- -p, -project-dir
Creates a snapshot of required packages
ivpm snapshot [-h] [-p PROJECT_DIR] [-r] snapshot_dir
Positional Arguments
- snapshot_dir
Specifies the directory where the snapshot will be created
Named Arguments
- -p, -project-dir
- -r, --rls-deps
Uses release deps from project root instead of dev deps
Synchronizes dependent packages with an upstream source (if available)
ivpm sync [-h]
Checks the status of sub-dependencies such as git repositories
ivpm status [-h]
YAML File Format
Package Definition
type |
object |
properties |
Package name |
Name of the package |
type |
string |
Dependency directory name |
Specifies directory where dependencies are stored. Defaults to ‘packages’ |
type |
string |
Default dependency set |
Specifies the default dep-set to use. Defaults to ‘default-dev’ |
type |
string |
Dependency sets |
Specifies available dependency sets |
type |
array |
items |
#/defs/env-sets |
#/defs/path-sets |
Named package-dependency set
type |
object |
properties |
Dependency-set identifier. ‘default’ and ‘default-dev’ are builtin names |
type |
string |
Package dependencies |
type |
array |
items |
Package Dependency specification
type |
object |
properties |
[‘name’] |
Package identifier |
type |
string |
Source URL |
URL from which to obtain the dependency. Used for all execpt ‘pypi’ |
type |
string |
Source type |
Specifies the source type. Much of the time auto-detect works |
type |
string |
anyOf |
URL points to a Git repository |
const |
git |
URL points to a .jar file. IVPM will not expand |
const |
jar |
URL points to a gzip-compressed TAR file. IVPM will expand |
const |
tgz |
URL points to a xz-compressed TAR File. IVPM will expand |
const |
txz |
URL points to a zip file. IPVM will expand |
const |
zip |
Dependency name is a PyPi package to be installed with pip |
const |
pypi |
Source types are extensible. Consult documentation for other source types |
type |
string |
Package type |
Specifies package type. Most of the time auto-detect works |
type |
string |
anyOf |
Data package. IVPM will not attempt to interpret |
const |
raw |
Python package that IVPM will install into the venv |
const |
python |
Package types are extensible. Consult documentation for other package types |
type |
string |
Version-specification string for Python packages from PyPi |
type |
string |
Clone using anonymous (non-PAT) Git |
type |
boolean |
Git branch to checkout |
type |
string |
Git tag to checkout |
type |
string |
Git commit to checkout |
type |
string |
When set to ‘skip’, sub-dependencies will not be loaded |
type |
string |
Git clone depth |
type |
integer |
Assuming the target is an IVPM package, Specifies the named dep-set to use |
type |
string |